
Silver Collector's Edition

Created by Bezier Games

The Ultimate Werewolf universe comes to the tabletop. Purge werewolves from the town of Silver with clever card play and deduction.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager is Closing May 7!
5 months ago – Fri, May 03, 2024 at 07:40:33 AM

Greetings, Gamers!

The Silver Collector's Edition pledge manager is closing NEXT week at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 7th (EDT or UTC−04:00). 

85% of you have already filled out your survey, but the remaining 15% need to fill out your surveys in the next 4 days.

You probably have a few questions. Thankfully, our intern Seer has helped us prepare some answers for you: Yes. No. Maybe. That's none of your business. (She's an intern.)

Okay. That didn't work out as well as we had thought. Let's just do it the old fashioned way, and we'll give you a little reward at the end!

How do I know if I have already filled out my survey?

You will have to follow the link provided to you in your email from BackerKit. If you can't find that email, you can request a link to your survey from BackerKit following this link:

When will you charge my credit card?

Credit cards will be charged as soon as the pledge manager closes, which will be at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 7th (Eastern Daylight Time or UTC−04:00).

Can I still change my address after May 7?

Yes. Life throws curveballs, so we do our best to be as accommodating as we can when possible. However, there may be added charges, such as if your new address is in a different country.

When will pre-orders close?

Pre-orders will not close for a long while, so if someone you know would like to late pledge or "pre-order," let them know they still can.

On to your reward!

As you know, your Silver Collector's Edition will come with 5 to 7 playmats. Here is a nice before and after of the Town Square playmat where you place your draw and discard piles.

BEFORE (first version):

AFTER (current version):

Why the change?

First, we simply had to upgrade all the playmats with printed stitching. (No playmats with frayed edges in the Town of Silver!) Also, there were only 4 characters in the first version. Now, we have all 14 characters from the Collector's Edition deck. Can you find them all?

00 - Leader
01 - Sheepdog
02 - Gravedigger
03 - Prince
04 - Caller
05 - Cleaner
06 - Artist
07 - Disposer
08 - Flasher
09 - Pickpocket
10 - Strigoi
11 - Weaver
12 - Marauder
13 - Silversmith


Hopefully, there will be more positive changes in your life this year! But at least you know we got those playmats covered for you.

Stay awesome, Gamers.

Production Has Begun!
5 months ago – Wed, May 01, 2024 at 03:22:18 PM

Greetings, Gamers!

Last month, after painstakingly inspecting over 100 unique cards, each of the 7 playmats, the various rulebooks and reference guides, and the box itself, we finalized all of the files.


Everything is on schedule.

Production is underway, and fulfillment is still scheduled to begin in Q4 2024.

Well, almost everything is on schedule.

85% of backers have completed filling out their pledge manager questionnaire, so if you’re one of the remaining 15%, be sure to fill out your questionnaire ASAP.

Contact us immediately regarding any questions.

Before we let you get on with your week, we thought we'd share some images of your Silver Collector's Edition box!

But it’s what’s on the insider that matters, right?

We labeled the inside of each of the cubby holes just because, you know, you're worth it.

The four drawers can each be individually removed and each have a special “crow pattern” lining the inside of the drawer.

Yes, you read that right. There's a murder (of crows) in each of the four shelves.

We thought it would help set the mood for each of your epic Silver showdowns later this year.

Stay awesome, Gamers!


Pledge Manager is Open!
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 06:39:53 AM

Greetings Gamers!

Short and sweet update today. 


The pledge manager is open for all backers & late pledges!

Click on the link and fill out your order.

We will keep the pledge manager open for a few weeks and will notify you ahead of time when it closes. Your credit card will be charged when the pledge managers closes and not before. As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment here or on the campaign page.


You're awesome.

7 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 02:41:34 PM

Thank you all for being AWESOME!

The Silver Collector's Edition would not have been possible without all of you. 

The Silver Saga is an important series for us, and we've been wanting to roll out the red carpet for Silver, giving the game the proper upgraded treatment that's been long overdue.

Thanks for being awesome and believing in this project!

We believe in you, too!

What's Next?

Here's our current timeline:

Last Week of February: pledge manager opens
Late March: pledge manager closes
April: production begins
July: production ends
August: games shipped to fulfillment partners
November: delivery to backers begins

And of course, if anything changes (be it an inconvenient holiday delay or a herd of Kaiju rampage across the Pacific rim), we'll let you know via Kickstarter updates (or TikToks if it's Kaijus).

Missed the Campaign?

Don't worry.

We got you.

Come back to the campaign page on the last week of February 2024, and our pledge manager will be open.

If you're reading this after November 2024, get the game through our online shop!


Thank you again for all your support!

And thanks again for being awesome!

If we had to gamble on who would win between you and a Kaiju, we'd go with the Kaiju every time. You're awesome but not take down a Kaiju single-handedly awesome. At least, we don't think so. Look, don't do anything ridiculously dangerous like taking down a Kaiju by yourself, okay?

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

Godzilla in Tokyo!!

Silver Foil UNLOCKED & the Collector's Edition Playthrough!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 06:45:21 AM

🎉 Good news, Everyone!

We've funded over 200K and unlocked our last stretch goal!

Silver Foil on your Silver Collector's Edition Box! 

Drink it in, folks!

We cannot thank all of you enough for your overwhelming support. 

We are already in the process of finalizing our files and should go into production before the end of Q1 2024 - ahead of schedule!

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

We said you were awesome many updates back, and we meant it. You're awesome. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness with us; it's our sincerest hope that Silver will add a little more awesome into your lives.

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games



Why not go out with a BIGGER BANG!?

Watch Kevin and Jay play the Silver Collector's Edition deck!

See all the overpowered cards interact with each other in this wild game of twists, turns, and woven princes!