
Silver Collector's Edition

Created by Bezier Games

The Ultimate Werewolf universe comes to the tabletop. Purge werewolves from the town of Silver with clever card play and deduction.

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678, 223, 072, 849 Ultimate Silver Decks!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 03:51:03 AM

🚀 Greetings, Gamers!

We've gotten a few inquiries regarding one of our more recent TikToks.
You follow us, right?

Kickstarter won't let us embed a TikTok, so we're giving you a YouTube short. Sorry?

But yes! The math checks out!

There are 14 characters in a standard Silver Deck, ranging from 0 to 13.

There are now 7 Silver Decks: Amulet, Bullet, Coin, Dagger, Eye, Fang, and Collector's Edition.

This means that there are 7 possible characters that could be used for the ZERO, 7 characters that could be used for the ONE, 7 for the TWO, etc.

This means that there are 7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7*7 (i.e., 7 to the power of 14, or 7^14) possible deck combinations. 

That's 678, 223, 072, 849 possible Silver Decks to explore and play!

And, no. We have not playtested all of those combinations. That's for our interns in the basement office; they'll finish one day ... we think.

Over the years, Silver fans have shared their "Ultimate Silver Decks" online. 

Here are some Ultimate Silver Decks from both Content Creators and from the Bezier Games Team!

Foster the Meeple's Ultimate Silver Deck
Jamie and Jeff (Foster the Meeple) have been long time Silver fans and have made a good amount of Silver content. We love seeing their content, but we love seeing their honest passion for the game more. This Ultimate Silver Deck was made prior to the Kickstarter, so it only consists of Silver ABC and D. We can't wait to see their updated Ultimate Silver Deck once they get their hands on Silver Eye, Fang, and the Collector's Edition deck.

Second Star to the Left's Ultimate Silver Deck
Michelle and Billy have been making board game content for a little over 2 years now, and they're also Silver fans. Like Jamie and Jeff's deck, this Ultimate Silver Deck was constructed prior to the release of Silver Eye, Fang, or the Collector's Edition. It's interesting to note that Michelle and Billy are bigger fans of Silver Coin, which is why you see more villagers from Silver Coin. Jamie and Jeff, on the other hand, are bigger fans of Silver Bullet, so most of their villages came from Silver Bullet.

"Super Strategy" by Ted Alspach (Bezier Games, CEO)
Ted's design is rather interesting as it rests heavily on the Mortician (B4 - Bullet, Card 4) who, when faceup, lets you activate 1 of your discard abilities. However, there are 6 other characters (46% of the deck) that have discard abilities. Get yourself a Mortician, and you'll be sitting pretty this game. You'll need to flip those cards over though, so that's were the Con Artist (C1), Curator (C2), Pixie (C3), Flasher (CE "Collector's Edition" 8), Tanner (E5), and Huntress (C6) come in. There are some clever combinations here to explore, especially with the Vampire Bat's (F10) ability to create more discard piles.

"Oops! All Animals" by Kevin (Bezier Games, Trade Show Manager)
Not all decks need to heavily rely on strategy; some can heavily rely on theme! Kevin cleverly crafted a deck with all animals. Be careful though. Furry (D13) is cleverly disguised as one, but with that shoot-the-moon mechanic, we'll let Furry into this deck without any problems.

"The Beyoncé Deck" by Jay (Bezier Games, Marketing Manager)
All the single ladies! Of course, there is no way to really know if all these characters are indeed single or identify as ladies. However, for the purpose of constructing this fun deck, I hope you grant me some leeway. My wife and I have played this deck, and it is surprisingly vicious. I'm just proud to see that 3 out of the 5 decks so far have shown some Cow (B5) love. She's easily one of my favorite characters in the game, and a must-include for The Beyoncé Deck.

"Mastering Chaos" by Renée (Bezier Games, Licensing & Program Manager)
Renée's deck is quite chaotic, especially with both the Splayer (F7) and Thing (B8). Let's organize your facedown cards, and then completely randomize them. Looking at each card chosen to be in this deck, you quickly realize the Renée is one of those gamers who's delightfully wicked in the best of ways. More cow love! HUZZAH!

"Flippin' Awesome!" by Ryan (Bezier Games, Customer Support Manager)
I do remember teasing Ryan that Flipper (D6) wasn't in his Flippin' Awesome! deck. He responded with a witty retort regarding how he wished he could flip me over to deactivate me, making me disappear. There is indeed quite a lot of flipping going on here; however, I'd just like to point out that so far two Bezier Games team members chose the Tallyman (F13, Immediately score all faceup cards) who is quite brutal. These are the people I game with.

"Gamechangers" by Erik (Bezier Games, App Development)
More Tallyman love! Erik and Renée both chose the Splayer (F7) and Thing (B8) combo; having your cards be organized and then reshuffled between your turns is hilariously brutal. They also both went with the Cow (B5) and Tallyman (F13) combo. Having the Cow flip over the draw deck is always fun, but seeing the top card become the Tallyman is HIGH-larious. There most definitely will be some pre-table-flipping screams and laughter. 

Eight Silver Decks down! Including the other 7 pre-constructed decks, that leaves only 678, 223, 072, 834 possible Silver decks to explore!

Which one is your Ultimate Silver Deck?

Jay Bernardo
Bezier Games, Marketing Manager


All promo cards UNLOCKED... & MORE!!
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 07:22:41 AM

🚀 Good News, Everyone!

As of today, all 14 promo cards have been UNLOCKED!!

For those who haven't noticed, each Silver deck, including the Collector's Edition deck, includes a vampire! You follow us on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, right?!

This short was from a while ago when we were chaotically teasing Silver Fang.

Yup. We're teases sometimes.

Strigori (CE) is the Illusionist's (the 0 in Silver Eye) worst nightmare... or almost anyone's for that matter.

Imagine sitting on the edge of your seat getting prepared for a killer combo when suddenly Strigori comes and Batman slaps you into the Marvel Universe.

It can be brutal.

Perhaps he's so vicious and ornery because the prototype typo renamed him Strigoi?

Let's take a closer look on how to play him.

Strigori: Remove approximately 1/2 of the draw deck (you can just split it into 2 piles that are roughly even) and this card from the game, placing them back in the box. Then exchange the main deck and discard pile, flipping each of them over as you do so. If there are no cards in the new draw deck, the round ends at the end of the active player's turn.


Let's math this out a bit. There are 52 cards in a Silver deck. If you're playing a 4 player game, then 21 cards are removed: 5 for each player's opening hand, and 1 for the discard pile. This leaves the deck with 31 cards in the draw deck.

Assuming, no one got Strigori in their opening hand, then Strigori could trigger, at most, four times through out the game. The first Strigori could remove up to 16 cards from the deck; the second could remove up to 8, the third removes 4, the fourth removes 2. This assumes a perfect card flip where every player's first draw is a Strogori, and each of those chaotic evil players decide to trigger him for some hilarious and wicked reason.

We have never seen that.

Mostly because we don't have any chaotic evil players on our team. Chaotic good? Yes. But no chaotic evil.

What we have seen is that a player who's closer than others to calling (but not quite there) will trigger Strigori much to the chagrin of the others. 

It's delightfully wicked.

On a personal note, I'm not sure why you play Silver, but I play Silver to savor all those little wrinkles on the faces of others when you pull a stunt like this. Yes, the chaotic good player is me.

If no one from your group sings "Dream Weaver" then you've already won. My group has at least one chaotic good player, so no dice.


And you should, too.

(Ooooh Dreeeeam) Weaver: Cover or uncover 1 card with another card in the same village.
The card that is covered up is protected, and if faceup its faceup ability is not active while covered, even when scoring. The covered card may not be discarded as part of a matching set of cards. The Weaver may be used to remove a card that is covering another card, including Silver Amulet's Bodyguard.

The 13s in Silver are quite powerful. Silver Dagger's Furry's shoot-the-moon 50 point-victory is the stuff of legends. Silver Eye's Mad Bomber removes itself and another card from the game. 

All of those abilities can be nullified by the (Ooooh Dreeeeam) Weaver.

Seeing all those little wrinkles on someone's face as you cover one of their 13s is delightfully wicked.


There's more!

If you've been following the campaign page, we've subtly dropped this there.

What's a Silver Collector's Edition box without Silver foil?!

We've only got a few more surprises in store for you, but be sure to check us out on TikTok and Instagram! We've been uploading a ton of Silver related shorts there recently for you to enjoy!

Have yourselves an epic weekend of gaming!

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

More Promo Cards UNLOCKED!!
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 02:22:02 PM

Good news, Everyone!

Two more promo cards from our Collector's Edition deck have been unlocked!

In our last update, we said we'd share room with James Cameron on the Challenger Deep. 

Sadly, James did not return our calls.

We'll have to make due with this photo we took of the Silver Flasher many a moon ago.

Rumor has it the pond in the Village of Silver Fang is home to many a flasher.

The Flasher introduces a new icon to Silver; it indicates that this card goes into effect each time it is viewed.

If you view a Flasher (when it was not visible at the start of your turn) for any gameplay reason, it is turned faceup and you must turn 1 other card faceup. If viewing the Flasher happens in the middle of another action, turn the Flasher faceup first, then complete the other action. Finally, then turn another card faceup.

There are few cards that allow you to flip another card faceup, especially those of your opponents.

In the early game, an unexpected Flasher can be quite a welcome surprise.

But beware!

Unlike most cards in Silver, the Flasher ability is not optional. It is MANDATORY. This means that in the mid and late game, the Flasher could flip over a card with a faceup scoring ability. Which could be either fortuitous for some and a death sentence for others.

Silver would not be complete without an alien!

Beware of pickpockets!

More importantly, beware of alien pickpockets! They are new to the Town of Silver (and Earth for that matter), so they may not be attuned to our way of life.

Rumor has it they collect things without the notion of using them immediately and simply add them to shelves to gaze upon them in hopes of one day playing with them.

Egad! Are they board gamers?

Add 1 card from any other village to your village (cards maintain their current orientation).

The pickpocket naturally has many uses - none of them good for your pesky opponents; they had it coming though, right?

12 promo cards down! 

2 more promo cards to go!

Be sure to get plenty of rest. The next unlock is the vampire of the Collector's Edition deck!

Our journey is almost at an end! The Silver Collector's Edition is quickly coming to a close. Be sure to stay tuned for updates in the final week! We've left a few surprises for you!

Have yourselves an epic week!

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

Secret cards from the 5/6 Player expansion and *more* unlocked stretch goals
8 months ago – Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 01:40:15 AM

If you are getting (or considering) the 5/6 player versions of the Collector's Edition, not only will you get 98 additional cards, rules, and 2 extra player mats, but 2 of those cards are unique versions of other cards in Silver Eye and Silver Fang!

Silver Eye has four different versions of the Obsessor, which when played on the discard pile limits the next card discarded to either Even, Odd, Greater than 9, or Less than 9:

Silver Fang has two different Zeros, which if they are face up at the end of the game allow you to NOT score cards that are even (for Even Steven) or odd (Odd Maude):

To keep things interesting, when you add the extra card from the 5/6 Player expansion, those cards are "primed" to give you extra variety! And if you'd like, you can swap one of them out for one of the corresponding cards that are normally in the regular (2-4 player) version of the game! 

More unlocked Collector's Edition Stretch Goal Cards:

🚀 Good News, Gamers! The Artist and Disposer Collector's Edition Cards have been UNLOCKED!

Draw & Discard is the theme here today!

Let's take a close look at the Artist!

The Artist loves werewolves. We get it. We love them, too.

Draw 2 cards, then place 1 of them back facedown on top of the deck, and place the other 1 faceup in your village, exchanging and discarding as usual (as if you had drawn the faceup card as your card on your turn).

While she might never enter your village, her discard ability has essentially let you look at three cards and give you insight (AND CHOICE) into what the next player will draw. 

Drawing 2 and keeping 1 is quite common in many a card game, but the Artist also creates an opportunity for hate drafting. You could be in a situation where you'll have to draw a card to prevent your opponent from getting a pair or that one killer card that's gonna slay the game.

That one little wrinkle in the gameplay opens a layer of mind games that seasoned Silver players know and love.

The art is a nod to the Illusion Artist card that first appeared in Ultimate Werewolf Bonus Roles:

Monkey business has entered the Town of Silver!

Discard 1 facedown card for each of your faceup cards that you flip facedown. (You can't discard the faceup cards you flip.)

High Risk, meet High Reward.
High Reward, meet High Risk.

You've got a lot of cards faceup, but you got some cards facedown. You love those faceup abilities, but you got to rid yourself of some cards. So start flipping!

The Disposer isn't a great early game pull, but we've seen players "dispose" of quite a few cards. It can be both beautiful and terrifying.

Beware the Disposer in the mid and late game!

Make no mistake. Monkey Business can be beautifully brutal!

Our next promo cards first require us to set aside our diving gear and share some room with James Cameron on the Challenger Deep because we're going deep under the sea, and the second one includes a visit from every Na'vi's nightmare...

Speaking of an adventure...

If you find yourself at Tantrum Con in Charlotte, North Carolina this weekend, be sure to stop by the Bezier Games booth to demo Silver Eye and Silver Fang! You otter come and check them out!

Have yourselves an EPIC weekend!

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

Sheepdog & Caller Promos UNLOCKED!
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 07:11:12 AM

Good News, Everyone!

Both the Sheepdog and Caller promo cards have been UNLOCKED!

Let's take a closer look at each!

For EACH faceup Sheepdog in your village, you may turn it facedown and then exchange it for 1 card (faceup or facedown) in another village.

The Sheepdog is a tricky card that you definitely want to keep hidden; otherwise, he'll leave you. He'll leave you for a card of your choice, but he'll still leave you.

Knowing there's a Sheepdog in your village can cause other players to flip him for you, creating a chaotic time where players are flipping each other's sheepdogs until the end of the game.

There's roughly a 3.8% chance that there's a card lower than the Sheepdog to grab (one of the two zeroes), so chances are you'll be snaring yourself a higher valued card. The obvious play is to create a pair for yourself to exchange out next turn. 

The Caller is one of our favorite cards in the Collector's Edition promo deck.

If faceup at scoring when YOU call for a vote that round, the Caller is worth -4. If you have more than one faceup Caller at scoring when YOU call for a vote, each one of them is worth -4.

The Caller is one of those cards that instantly affects gameplay and elevates tension. As soon as one is revealed, there's an immediate incentive for other players to call for a vote before the Caller's village mayor does. Moreover, the Caller's village mayor feels the tension while it isn't their turn. 

The later decks of Silver (Silver Eye, Silver Fang, and the CE Promo Deck) all have cards that elevate the gameplay through one of our favorite design concepts - high-risk-high-reward.

Please don't jump over rocky cliffs. Bezier Games doesn't encourage this. We do encourage staying home and playing board games though; you get the added benefit of a comfy chair.

We're thrilled to share more of them with you as they'll only get zanier.

 So far, we've seen promo cards 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, and 13.

6 through 11 are still locked for now, as well as a few more surprises we're saving for the last week of the campaign.

See you there & have yourselves an epic week!

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games