
Silver Collector's Edition

Created by Bezier Games

The Ultimate Werewolf universe comes to the tabletop. Purge werewolves from the town of Silver with clever card play and deduction.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 06:46:55 AM

Good news, Everyone!

We're over 145K USD funded! 

The last few days, we've been stuck in the snow. Some of our team members haven't been able to leave home at all.

The real Burg von Alspach has been completely covered in snow for the last few days.

Despite the frozen white doom and gloom canvasing our neighborhood, we've been grateful for the support and love gamers have been sharing for Silver.

Thank you!

And yet that still doesn't feel like enough...

So we're doing MORE! Or should we say, we're doing LESS!

While we're still talking internally on how to make everyone even happier with the Silver Collector's Edition campaign, we've decided to give you something now.

While the Silver app is currently FREE, we have decided to have a 24-hour sale on our apps. 

A few of our games in our app store have been reduced in price to 0.99 USD.

The iOS 1-Day Sale begins TODAY from Jan 18 to Jan 19!

The Google Play 1-Day Sale begins TOMORROW from Jan 19 to Jan 20!

On to the games!

Suburbia is on sale for 0.99 USD

Castles of Mad King Ludwig is on sale for 0.99 USD

Scram! is on sale for 0.99 USD (Paula Deming's No. 4 game of 2023!)

Maglev Metro is on sale for 0.99 USD (iOS version only)

From the bottom of our (human, non-werewolf) hearts, thank you so much for being awesome.

Have yourself an epic day (of gaming)!

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

8 months ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 07:37:28 AM

Good news, Everyone!

The Silversmith Collector's Edition Promo Card has been UNLOCKED!

Let's take a closer look at our wild, silver-haired town smith!

When Faceup: Turn this and 1 other card in your village face down and take an unused token face up.

That. Is. Incredibly. Powerful. And yet... not really...

The Silversmith looks best on your Silver Coin premium player mat.

With the Silversmith you may choose any available Silver token except the one currently being used in the game (even if no one called the previous round, or the player with the token has already used its ability this round). After using the Silver token, return it to the supply at the end of your turn.

Players should decide before playing with the Silversmith which Silver tokens you would like in the game. (We suggest using them all for maximum mayhem.)

If there are no more Silver tokens available, you may not use this card's ability. (If you make the choice to only use a few Silver tokens in your game, this would probably happen. If you chose to use them all, this would likely not happen.)

Furthermore, if you cannot turn one other card in your village facedown, then you cannot use the Silversmith ability.


Currently, there are only SIX Silver tokens.

If you've watched our teaser trailer, you'll have noted that we said they each have game-changing abilities.

We weren't lying.

Here's a quick recap of the SIX Silver tokens.

Oh, you meant GAME-CHANGING abilities that wildly alter game momentum?

In the best possible way, YES!

Friendly FYI: Normally, the only way to obtain Silver would be to have correctly called for a vote, which means Silver is unobtainable in the first round.

NOT with the Silversmith!

Why wait when you can craft your own?!


(yeah, we ruin good moods from time to time.)

The Silversmith's power comes at a cost. 

First, flipping over two cards in your village isn't great - especially if there aren't many cards with a flip ability in the deck.

Second, he's a 13. While he's powerful, you certainly don't want him hanging out in your village for too long.

Seasoned Silver players will tell you that having the Silver token is no guarantee of winning the current round. Creating the opportune moment to trigger a Silver token is arguably more important than wielding one.

This is perhaps our ideal sense of balance - high-risk-high-reward.

With great power comes great risk - especially when friends and family are gaming next to you, ever ready to pounce on the slightest display of weakness.

That's Bezier Games for you, proudly bringing mayhem where its best - your gaming table.

Have yourself an epic day.

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games

8 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 09:12:10 AM

Greetings, Gamers!

We've received multiple requests for play through videos for Silver, so we thought we'd put together a playlist for you!

Here is the Dice Tower gang performing the first ever playthrough of Silver Fang! 

The link below should jump you to 2:34:09 where the Dice Tower begins a 2v2 game of Silver Fang. You can follow along as we make some snarky comments in the feed.

For us, the highlight of the video was when Zee casts some subtle shade over the use of "fewer". Well done, Zee!

We've also received requests for a 5/6 player game. 

We had scheduled a time to record a playthrough in-house with the Bezier Games Team, but there is currently a snow storm in Eastern Tennessee. According to one team member, Knoxville, TN hadn't seen this much snow since the blizzard of 1993.

Cars driving on a highway are stuck in traffic because of a snow storm.(ThinkStock/Getty Images)

But we have the next best thing!

We may not have a 6-player play through of Silver, but we do have a 6-player playthrough of Scram! "Scram!" is a lighter, faster, and more approachable version of Silver; however, unlike Silver, Scram! is only played in teams.

Scram! has a unique player count with: 1v2, 2v2, and 3v3.

The mechanics of Scram! are 99% the exact same as Silver; however, the card abilities are more approachable and not as "gamery" as Silver.

Even better, this play through is with the entire crew at Watch it Played!

We know this isn't "Silver" but you do get to see the 3v3 team play in action and with the whole Watch in Played crew!

The fabulous Paula Deming had so much fun in this playthrough, she ranked Scram! as her No. 4 game of 2023!

Here she is talking about how much she loves Scram! and the Scram! app!

The link above should jump you straight to 14:13 where she talks about Scram!

Some other Silver playthroughs for you include this Chill & Play with Stella and Joy of Meeple University!

We're not sure how Stella was able to pull off getting THREE spies, but go, Stella!

Up next, what would this list be without, perhaps, the biggest Silver fans out there, Foster the Meeple!

Did you know that Silver Bullet is one of the games that inspired them to become board gamers and eventually create their own channel?

Last but not least, we don't just have a play through; we have a tournament!

The folks at Tantrum House held a Silver Tournament with their team! Check out not one but multiple strategies go against each other in this epic video of heartache, betrayal, and victory.

Hope everyone is staying safe out there (if you're under a snow storm or otherwise).

Have an epic week,

Jay Bernardo
Marketing Manager, Bezier Games